February 23, 2025


MAGAZINE – WE Help Tell Folk Stories


M r Charles Fenwick is one of the community giants who believe in the idea of spreading our wings to close the gap between the youth and the old. Much like William Frey of the Pew Charitable Trust, he has a lot of faith in the younger generation and believe they can do wonders if the older generation will listen more to them.

Bridging The Gap Between

the Young and the Old

“Through music, I believe [The Fathership Connection] will surely help cure and heal some of the violence that plagues many communities.


According to Frey, “younger, more diverse generations promise to change all aspects of American society” and the article from Michael Dimock of the Pew Research Center shows the generational cut-off points and their opinions over time. Abbi Matheson of Bostonglobe’s article further buttresses this point, highlighting how even the 116th United States (US) Congress reflects the inclusion of the millennials. According to her, 26 out of 431 congressmembers are millennials (those born between 1981 and 1996). An example, is the outspoken Congresswoman Ilhan Omar, the Democratic Representative from Minnesota. The US, of resent, has provided “diversity of explosion” where the young and the old can express their opinion without fear of punishment. In spite of this inclusion, some millennials still say generations before them, Silent and Boomers, stifle their opinion, while the generation after them, generation Y, have taken to a more physical and horrible means, suicide included, to express their opinion.

From the look of things, there has to be a way to bring them together toward one common goal and one person has decided to do something to bridge that gap and provide an outlet for millennials and generation Xs to let out their frustration. It’s no other than the gentle soul that believes in spreading our wings “Mr. Charles Fenwick” through his Fathership Connection platform.

“Can’t nothing stop you but you. Get your EGO (Easing God Out) out of your Way. Don’t let selfishness close your hands – you can’t receive or give if you do” – Charles Fenwick

Charles Fenwick, born and raised in Washington DC. grew up as a musician. He learned the bass guitar, box, and was a firefighter/emt. Mr. Fenwick was always active in communities. The bands he played with performed for those who were incarcerated, in group homes, block parties, nursing homes and did some political events. Recently he was asked to be a A/R for ITSALLGOOD PRODUCTIONS by Mr. Jerry Carter, and the band leader for his band now The ELEMENTS. He said he was given a vision by God, to create.

His community-based organization, The FATHERSHIP CONNECTION, is bridging the gap between the elders and Youths using the platform of music to reach youths and also utilizing the elders to assist. “I’m judging numerous show cases for Cradle records/Sony supporting our youth to alter or to encourage them to write more positive uplifting lyrics for their music.”

Mr. Fenwick is working with Delegate Diana Fennell and her staff to create workshops of various kinds that educate, strengthen young men in communities, and have them focus on education and their careers. The goal of these workshops is for them to be education and career minded, with the ultimate objective of helping them to become self-sufficient, confident, and men of dignity. They also encourage and empower parents help their children plan for their future. “I feel this would surely help cure and heal some of the violence that plagues many communities. Think about it, if the young people had programs where they could go to school plus work part time and be guided in the field of their choices, it would help reduce crime rate. A community that prays together stays together. Let us all put forth a collective effort in supporting and bringing unity to our communities. Each one teach some”, says Mr. Fenwick.

Ending his interview with some words of appreciation, Mr. Fenwick gave a shout-out to World Ebony Network (WEN). In his words, he said:
“Thanks to Dr. Ezi Mecha, and her staff, for working consistently and endlessly to bring peace, pride, and productivity to all communities. Dr. Mecha, thank you so much for your tireless efforts of not only dealing with your personal life, but also, keeping God first in all you do. God bless you and your family.”